Thursday, August 18, 2005

Daisy, Don't Chew That Grass!

From the "too-good-to-be-true" department:


Russia's long winter will just fly by for a herd of Russian cows which, a newspaper reported on Tuesday, will be fed confiscated marijuana over the cold months, Reuters reports from Moscow. Drug workers said they adopted the unusual form of animal husbandry after they were forced to destroy the sunflowers and maize crops that the 40 tonnes of marijuana had been planted among, Novye Izvestia daily reported. "I don't know what the milk will be like after this', Federal Drugs Control Service spokes woman said.
(italics all mine)

Doesn't this qualify as animal cruelty? 40 tonnes of badass Ruskie weed will be fed to cud-chewing cows. Imagine their plight. They will be rolling on the, er, grass, laughing their guts out, developing severe paranoid delusions ("see that farmer on the yonder mountains? Think a butcher he be?" yes, my cows talk like that.) and then getting a bad case of the munchies. My heart goes out to them.

But till the cows finish their long, strange trip (long after the winter, I am guessing, it's 40 tonnes), Jai Shambhu!

P.S.: I am scraping the bottom here. Stoner stories. Hmph.