Friday, February 09, 2007

Choked On Vomit

Derek: Well, uh, it's not a very pleasant story...but, uh, he died...
uh...he choked on...the ac- the official explanation was he
choked on vomit.
David: He passed away.
Nigel: It was actually, was actually someone else's vomit. It's not....
David: It's ugly.
Nigel: You know. There's no real....
Derek: You know they can't prove whose vomit it was...they don't
have the facilities at Scotland Yard....
David: You can't print, there's no way to print a spectra-photograph...
Nigel: You can't really dust for vomit.
(That's way sadder than D minor)

They went this way too...and now, Anna Nicole.


Brown Magic said...

i find it strange that you've linked to access hollywood. that said, i'll be pouring some trimspa out for the lady.

km said...

Tut tut....but I've done far worse things than linking to, *shudder*, Access Hollywood :)

MockTurtle said...

Hey hey, you can't be connecting Bonzo to Anna Nicole now.

km said...

MT: That's because you never heard Anna Nicole do her drum solo :)