Friday, June 05, 2009

Farewell, Mr. Han

The cultural high-point of my childhood was a line from a little movie called "Enter the Dragon": "Bullshit, Mr. Han man". (Someone has oh-so-lovingly taped the scene and uploaded it on YT.) That line, delivered by Jim Kelly in a fine, assured drawl thrilled us kids because someone had dared to stand up to the mean, mean Mr. Han. (And because someone said "bullshit" and that seemed funny to this nine year-old.)

I bring this up today because Mr. Han, the actor Shek Kin, is dead.

There was no villain meaner than Mr. Han. And only he was worthy of an ass-kicking by Bruce Lee.



FĂ«anor said...

Looks like a bad week for martial artists, eh? That man Carradine killed himself as well...

km said...

Yeah, that was spooky. But is the Martial Arts Death Trifecta on?

??! said...

Oh no, you and your Death Trifectas. You should have a blog about it.

km said...

??!: I would love to. But I need bigger data-sets :))