Monday, March 16, 2009

"Out Of Office"? More Like "Out Of That Vital Stuff"

"...'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!"
That's what they will be saying - minus the laughter and high-fives, hopefully - when they receive your Final Email. (Link to LifeHacker)

For best comedic results, you should consider attaching massive video files to the message. Also use a "cute" HTML template (dancing skulls, black background with red text) with a Real Player file featuring a "poignant" MIDI interpretation of "Forever young".


Anonymous said...

They should include a poll that asks - are you happy at the news, or sad? If people click on "happy", a virus would destroy their hard disk.

km said...

I say the virus should destroy their hard drive regardless of which option they choose :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's unnecessarily cruel, don't you think ? Remind me never to open any email from you :P

km said...

but then, what's life without a little laughter every now and then? :D