6:45AM: I sit down for meditation.
7:30AM: I open my eyes and look at the clock. Wow, 45 minutes. There was a time when I couldn't meditate for 10 minutes continuously. Look at me now! 45 minutes! I am awesome. And so wise.
I also feel rested, at peace and very, very still inside. I am hyper-aware of everything, and yet, there is not a bit of restlessness in me.
8:00AM: I drive to work and notice an SUV doing about 30mph in the fast lane. I wait patiently. I don't have to honk anymore. Peace, love, stillness.
8:01AM: The SUV driver is talking on the cellphone.
8:01:01: It's easy to forgive. The driver must be dealing with some really important issue on the phone. That's how easy it is to let go of the anger.
8:01:03: "Oh shit"
8:01:04: I honk.
8:01:08: The SUV refuses to clear the lane.
8:01:10: "Fuck you, you globe-warming, ecological terrorist shithead, get out of the fast lane NOW". That not-so-rare bird - Flippera Avis - is sighted once again on the asphalt.
8:01:19: I take a deep breath. Tomorrow, I meditate for 90 minutes.
6:45 am. still jet lagged, eh?
Isn't meditation productive? :D
'tis the season to be jolly. Tra la la la la la la la.
Some lessons I have learned :
1) Whatever I resist will persist.
2) Meditation is much more productive when I sit at night just before going to bed. Typically, I will not dream, the quality of sleep is orders of magnitude improved, and 5-6 hours is enough to feel adequately rested.
TR: Oh, that explains my two lunches a day.
WFS: Sigh. The gap between just knowing something and really knowing something....for some reason, I find it really hard to meditate at night.
vi and ph: Just what I needed. More sarcasm :D
Oh, I struggle too.
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