Monday, October 20, 2008

"Late Luncheon And An Early Breakfast"

A funny, charming (and short) video of Keith Moon accepting an industry award on behalf of the Beatles. (No idea why.)

Those public-speaking courses may not tell you this but it is clear after watching the video that the real secret to nailing a speech is doing a somersault after the speech.

Can your presidential candidate do a somersault?


Space Bar said...

Yes really - why Moon? This is a mystery that needs to be solved.

km said...

Well, Moon was buddies with Ringo (and John too).

Since this ceremony was held after the Beatles' split (1972-73? judging from Alice Cooper's face and Brian Wilson's haircut), I am guessing one of the "lads" asked him to attend the ceremony so they wouldn't have to face each other in public.

Rahul Siddharthan said...

It's obvious -- so that people would ask, "Accepting it on behalf of the who?"

Tabula Rasa said...

let it be...

km said...

Rahul: To really confuse us, they should have invited members of the Guess Who.

TR: Moon didn't need no Mother Mary. He had far better drugs.