Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Just Your Typical "To A Bollywood Actress, Everything Looks Like A Nail" Kind Of A Story

“My friends advised me to carry a hammer in my bag and I did that every day.”

Hammers are scary, serial killer-y things. (Joan agrees. Posthumously.) But maybe Bipasha just wanted to hammer in the evening, in the morning and all over the land?


Anonymous said...

That helped her win all arguments -she would hammer home her point :)

Szerelem said...

jeez...why would anyone lug a hammer along?! Not heard of pepper spray or a swiss knife?

Tabula Rasa said...

maybe she meant hummer?

km said...

TR: hummer-in-a-bag. That should make Al Gore happy.

Szerelem: or a chainsaw or a hand grenade...

Lekhni: shush! There are way too many hammer jokes that I know some people are just itching to crack.

Tabula Rasa said...

way too many hammer jokes

feel free to mc them.

km said...

TR: Duh. She might as well have worn a t-shirt that said "You can't touch this...or that".

Tabula Rasa said...

what happened to all the comments that were here? don't tell me maxwell did it.

km said...

Google ate my comments.

km said...

Google's Bermuda Triangle swallowed my comments (and TR's..). Oh well.

km said...


km said...


km said...


km said...


km said...

TR: Comments are appearing and disappearing in a most bizarre manner.

Anonymous said...

Dear KM.

Farging bangalli commie bastiges.
